Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer Task #1

Teks Asli

           Cilacap – Ribuan pengunjung membanjiri prosesi ritual sedekah laut di Cilacap Jumat (7 Oktober 2016) lalu. setidaknya ada 10 jolen yang dilarung pada acara tradisi tahunan masyarakat pesisir yang digelar setiap bulan Suro (Muharrom) ini. 10 jolen yang dilarung, terdiri dari 1 jolen tunggul dari Pemkab Cilacap, 1 jolen dari HNSI, dan 8 jolen dari kelompok nelayan.

Tradisi sedekah laut sendiri bermula dari pemerintahan Bupati Cilacap ke III yang memerintahkan kepada sesepuh nelayan Pandanarang dan nelayan lainnya untuk melarung sesaji kelaut pada hari Jumat Kliwon 1875, dan sejak tahun 1985 larungan diangkat sebagai atraksi wisata.

          Ritual Sedekah Laut yang diracik dalam Gelar Tradisi Masyarakat Pesisir, didahului dengan prosesi nyekar dan pengambilan air suci ke Pantai Karang Bandung (Pulau Majethi) sebelah timur Pulau Nusakambangan oleh sesepuh nelayan Cilacap. Prosesi nyekar tersebut untuk memohon kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa agar tangkapan ikan melimpah dan para nelayan diberi keselamatan.

                Acara larungan jolen sebagai puncak acara diawali dengan upacara prosesi penyerahan Jolen Tunggul di Pendopo Wijayakusuma, Cilacap. Dalam prosesi itu, Tumenggung Duto Pangarsa yang diperankan oleh dalang Ki Untung Suratin Yonoatmojo, sebagai pemimpin para nelayan, melaporkan kepada Bupati tentang kesiapan 8 kelompok nelayan melakukan larung jolen.

            Dalam prosesi tersebut, Bupati Cilacap, Tatto Suwarto Pamuji bertitah, agar jolen tunggul dan jolen-jolen yang lain segera dilarung ke Laut Selatan. Rombongan di bawah komando Tumenggung Duto Pangarsa, kemudian bertolak dari Pendopo Wijayakusuma diiringi Subo Menggolo dan pasukan lain menuju Pantai Teluk Penyu. Prosesi dilanjutkan dengan larung jolen di pantai Laut Selatan tersebut.

              Ketua DPC Himpunan Nelayan Seluruh Indonesia (HNSI) Cilacap, Sardjono pada kesempatan itu mengatakan, total ada 10 jolen yang dilarung, terdiri dari 1 jolen tunggul dari Bupati, 1 jolen dari HNSI, dan 8 jolen dari kelompok nelayan.

“Sedekah Laut ini merupakan ritual tradisi sebagai bentuk rasa syukur nelayan atas nikmat dan anugerah dari Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, terutama di laut sebagai mata pencaharian utama mereka.” Jelasnya.

            Usai prosesi pelarungan jolen, pada malam harinya masing-masing kelompok nelayan mengadakan syukuran dengan menggelar kesenian wayang kulit semalam suntuk.


Translated by Google

                 Cilacap – Thousands of visitors flood the sea alms ritual procession in Cilacap on Friday (October 7, 2016) ago. at least 10 Jolen floated in the event an annual tradition of coastal communities held every month Suro (Muharrom) this. 10 Jolen floated, consisting of 1 Jolen stump of Cilacap regency, 1 Jolen of HNSI, and 8 Jolen of a group of fishermen.
The tradition of alms sea itself stems from Cilacap regent government to III who ordered the elders Pandanarang fishermen and other fishermen to melarung offerings into the sea on Friday POND 1875, and since 1985 Larungan appointed as a tourist attraction.
              Ritual Sea Alms are blended in Coastal Community Tradition title, preceded by a procession nyekar and taking the holy water to the Coral Coast Bandung (Island Majethi) east Nusakambangan by elders Cilacap fishermen. The procession nyekar to appeal to God Almighty for the abundant fish stocks and fishermen were given salvation.
Jolen Larungan event as the highlight event began with a procession handover ceremony in the Hall                             Wijayakusuma Jolen stumps, Cilacap. In the procession, Tumenggung Duto Pangarsa played by puppeteer Ki Suratin Yonoatmojo Fortunately, as the leader of the fishermen, reported to the Regent on the readiness of 8 groups of fishermen do larung Jolen.
In the procession, the Regent of Cilacap, Tatto Suwarto Pamuji decreed, that Jolen stump and Jolen-Jolen others immediately floated to the South Seas. The delegation under the command of Hero Member Pangarsa Duto, then heads of Hall Wijayakusuma accompanied Subo Menggolo and other forces to the Gulf Coast Turtle. The procession continued with Jolen float on the coast of the Southern Sea.
DPC chairman Fishermen Association of Indonesia (HNSI) Cilacap, Sardjono on the occasion said, a total of 10 Jolen floated, consisting of 1 Jolen stump of Regents, 1 Jolen of HNSI, and 8 Jolen of a group of fishermen.
“Sea Alms ritual is a tradition as a form of gratitude for the blessings and grace fishermen of Almighty God, especially in the sea as their main livelihood.” Obviously.
After the procession pelarungan Jolen, on the evening of each group of fishermen held a celebration by holding all-night wayang art.

Translated By Anisa Ghozy

Cilacap – Thousands of visitors “Sedekah Laut” ritual in Cilacap on last Frday, Oct 7 2016. At least about 10 traditional religious meals called Jolen have been floated into the sea in the event of annual tradition of coastal community that held every “Suro” month (Called Muharram by Islamic Calendar). 10 Jolen that have been floated consisted of 1 “Jolen Tunggul” from Cilacap District Government, 1JOlen from HNSi, and 8 Jolen from Fisherman community.
Sedekah Laut tradition itself derived from the III government of Cilacap’s regent who commanded to all of Pandanarang fisherman elders and other fisherman to floated the traditional religious meal into the sea on Kliwon Friday 1875, since 1985 this tradition became tour attraction.
Sedekah Laut Ritual is blended in Coastal Community, preceded by nyekar (procession where people come to the ancestor grave and spell the prays and sometimes put a traditional religious meals) procession and taking the holy water to Karang Bandung beach (Majethi Island) east Nusakambanagan by Cilacap Fisherman elders. The aims of nyekar procession are to appeal to God Almighty for the abundant fish stocks and the salvation were given to the fishermen.
The tradition peak was Larungan jolen and it began with ceremony procession to handover Jolen Tunggul in Pendopo Wijayakusuma, Cilacap. in the procession, Tumenggung Duto Pangarsa played by puppeteer Ki Untung Suratin Yonoatmojo, as a leader of the fishermen, reported to the regent about the preparation 8 fishermen communities to do Larung Jolen.
Within the procession, the Regent of Cilacap, Tatto Suwarto decreed, that Jolen Tunggul and others Jolen have to float immediately to the South Seas. Group under the command of Tumenggung Duto Pangarsa, then shove off from Pendopo WIjayakusuma accompanied with Subo Menggolo and other troops to Teluk Penyu beach. The Procession continues with Larung Jolen in South Seas beach itself.
The leader of DPC Assemblage of Indonesian Fishermen (HNSI) Cilacap, Sarjono said that there were 10 Jolen in total that have been floated, consisted of 1 Jolen Tunggul from The Regent, 1 Jolen from HNSI, and 8 Jolens from Fishermen communities.
“Sedekah laut is a tradition ritual as a form of fishermen gratitude about favor and grace from God Almighty, particularly on the sea as the main of their livelihood.” Said him.
After Jolen-Floating procession, in the night of the day each of fishermen community held an event as a form of their gratitude by made a leather puppet show all night long.

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